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NAIFA-Cincinnati Sponsorship






The Cincinnati Chapter of National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA-Cincinnati) works to empower financial professionals and consumers through world-class advocacy and education. Merging with the Society of Financial Services Professionals in 2024 has only strengthened this goal and we are excited to continue to advance our mission! If your organization would like to be a partner with us in the Cincinnati area, we have many opportunities to do so throughout the year; from regular CE/CFP meetings held in most months of the year, socials during summer months, or our annual fall golf outing, we have an opportunity to put you and your organization in front of our passionate members.

Want to support one of our meetings in a way not listed below, reach out to us (info@naifa-cincinnati.org) and let's work on something together!


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2025 President's Cup Golf Outing

Sponsoring Levels:

Corporate Sponsorship** - $2,500.00

Executive Sponsorship* - $1,000.00

Beverage Sponsor - $500.00

Lunch Sponsor - $500.00

Dinner Sponsor - $500.00

Hole Sponsor - $250.00

Hole Sponsor w/ Foursome - $800.00

** Includes 2 foursomes and large sign recognition

* Includes 1 foursome and large sign recognition

Continuing Education (CE) Meeting

Exclusive Sponsorship


Sponsor a monthly gathering of NAIFA-Cincinnati members. Our CE Meetings are held as opportunities for attendees to obtain CE and CFP hours, hear from industry professionals and network with industry peers.

Sponsorship is limited to one sponsor per CE Meeting. NAIFA-Cincinnati will work with sponsor to identify an upcoming meeting which will best fit for both parties. 

Company logo on all marketing for sponsored meeting, including event page, upcoming event emails to membership. Logo can be linked to your website.

Company logo displayed at the meeting/event.

Opportunity to address the meeting attendees for 3-5 minutes at the start of the meeting.

Logo/name listed as current year Meeting Sponsor on Chapter website.

Logo included on bi-weekly emails to membership leading up to your sponsored event.

NAIFA-Cincinnati Social Event

Exclusive Sponsorship


Sponsor a NAIFA-Cincinnati Social Event. No program, no agenda, simply a gathering of colleagues to network, socialize and grow friendships with other industry professionals. Event sponsor will be able to give a short presentation during the event. These events typically occur in the May-August time frame, during summer months.

Sponsorship is limited to one sponsor per Social Event. NAIFA-Cincinnati will work with sponsor to identify an upcoming event which will best fit for both parties. 

Your name/logo on all marketing for sponsored social event; including event page, upcoming events email to membership. Logo can be linked to your website.

Company logo displayed at the meeting/event.

Opportunity to address the event attendees for 3-5 minutes near the beginning of the social event.

Logo/name listed as current year Social Event Sponsor on Chapter website.

Logo included on bi-weekly emails to membership leading up to your sponsored event.

Gold Sponsor - Annual

12 Months


Your logo included in the Cincinnati Chapter bi-weekly upcoming events email to full membership. Logo can be linked to your website.

Opportunity to present to the chapter on a topic approved by the Chapter’s Board of Directors.

Your logo placed on the chapter's website (linked to your website) and chapter event page for 12 months. Sponsorship will include a Hole Sponsorship for our next President's Cup Golf Outing.

Your logo will be included on all chapter emails for the 12 months of your sponsorship, recognizing you as 'Gold Sponsor'.

Thank You Sponsors!
